MidNite Solar
19115 62nd Ave NE Arlington, WA 98223 Phone: 360.403.7207 Fax: 360.691.6862 Notice: Undefined variable: productCatName in /home/midnitesolar/public_html/printProduct.php on line 186 Product: MNSTOPSWITCH |
Price: $
212.00 Disconnects turbine from batteries and shorts out turbine. Comes with neutral busbar and ground box terminal.
California Residents: Warning Description: Stop Switch for wind turbines 63 amp 150 VDC.Box Size: 9"L x 5"W x 4"D Weight: 3 Lb/s Options: Price changes for Jan 2, 2019 $99 - $159 212 on 1/1/22 |