MidNite Solar
19115 62nd Ave NE
Arlington, WA 98223
Phone: 360.403.7207
Fax: 360.691.6862

Product: MNSHUNT-1000/100
Price: $ 130.00

The Deltec shunts are calibrated with an accuracy of +/- 0.25%.

The WBJR fits directly onto this shunt.
The bolt size is 1/2 inch.

Radian uses a 1000 amp / 100Mv shunt
SMA uses a 1000 amp / 50Mv shunt

California Residents: Warning

This is the 1000 amp 100 miV shunt

Price changes for Jan 2, 2019 $102 - $110 PI 9-1-21 120 Price increase 1/1/22 $130.00 MN